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Buzzword or Buzzkill? How Companies are Reframing Their Culture Post COVID

Jan 30, 2023

Culture. “You keep using that word, but I don’t think it means what you think it means,” Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride.

Culture goes beyond a company’s reviews on Glassdoor, and with the post-COVID, work-from-home life, employees are now defining what is important to them that creates a company culture. Tamara Buie spells out what culture means and how to cultivate it to attract and retain talent in ALM’s Legalspeak podcast with Zack Needles. In short, ask questions. 

“Make sure you are asking questions that are important to your work life,” Buie says. “There’s no specific red flag, but it’s going to be based upon what’s important to the candidate.”

Get the latest on finding a company’s culture that works for you. 

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Our Framework


During this phase, we work to step away from any assumptions and guesses about what our customers needs, and let our research findings inform our decision-making. We learn more about our customers, their problems, wants, and needs, and the environment or context in which they will use the solution we offer.

Our Framework


During the Define phase, we analyze our research findings from the Understand phase and determine what is the most important problem to solve — and why. This step defines the goal. Then we can give a clear problem statement, describing what our customers’ needs are that we are trying to solve, making sure that we heard and defined their problem correctly.

Our Framework


This phase is an important part of the discipline in our process. People often settle for the first solution, but the most obvious solution is often not the right one. During the Solve phase, we brainstorm collaboratively with multiple stakeholders to generate many unique solutions. We then analyze our potential solutions and make choices about which are the best to pursue based on learnings in the Understand phase.

Our Framework

Build & Test.

This phase is critical in developing the right solution to our customers’ problem. An organized approach to testing can help avoid rework and create exceptional outcomes. Starting small and testing the solution, we iterate quickly, before deploying solutions across the entire project.

Our Framework


During this phase, the hard work of prior phases comes to life in our customers’ best solution. The research, collaboration, and testing performed prior to project kick-off ensure optimal results.

Our Framework


At the project completion, we convene all stakeholders to discuss what went well, what could have been better, and how we might improve going forward. We call these meetings “Retrospectives,” and we perform them internally as a project team, and with our external customers. The Retrospective is one of the most powerful, meaningful tools in our framework.
