
Greg Moreman
VP of Operations and Compliance
Greg Moreman leaves nothing to chance. This includes weather forecasts, culinary adventures, and the best time of year to buy a holiday turkey. In fact, if our VP of operations and compliance were a proverb, he would be “Measure twice, cut once.” If he were a rapper, he’d be “Lil Inbox Zero.”
It’s rare to find a leader who can balance gentleness and patience with such a strong commitment to their craftsmanship, but it comes naturally to Greg. His willingness to take on whatever needs handling in the company – along with his practiced precision – has won the day for Level Legal and our customers countless times. From creating the company’s intensive compliance and training programs to taking lead for the “Retrospective” post-project process for every single matter that comes through our doors, Greg has been living out our core value of “delivering delight” (and relief!) since Greg joined the team in 2009.
Greg’s a generalist, a role Level Legal leans on when growth pains bring new problems or when a new strategy means new processes. Greg just handles it. Never complaining. Always willing. His work and his example benefit everyone.
So when is the best time to buy that turkey? The day after Thanksgiving, of course. Greg’s got a freezer full of pennies-on-the-pound turkeys he throws on his Big Green Egg throughout the year. They go great with the tomatoes and peppers he grows in his beautiful backyard beds, which is where you’re likely to find him tending his crops and listening to old country music, while his chocolate Lab and numerous rescue kitty-cats sleep in the sun.